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Looking for a graduate class for the fall? Look no further than opportunities at the University of Illinois. Attached are options that might be beneficial for you either to move over on the pay scale, start/continue with your graduate program, or further develop your content knowledge. You can also start your online Masters program by applying today! Attached is a flyer with links to classes you may find meets your needs. Cost is $520/credit hour and there are no fees.
We also still have seats available in our graduate course on small engines that runs July 15-16. Further information can be found on the additional attached flyer.
If you have any questions regarding our Masters program or graduate courses, or need assistance signing up for a class, feel free to contact Amy Leman, bunselme@illinois.edu. You can also speak with us this week at Conference.
Have a safe trip to Carbondale for Conference and have a great rest of your summer!
Amy & Gary -- Gary Ochs University of Illinois Phone: 217-244-5164 Cell: 217-251-4022 Email: garyochs@illinois.edu Address: 174B Bevier Hall, 905 S. Goodwin Ave., 905 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801