Daily Schedule
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All premiers of the sessions have a tentative start time of 7:00 p.m. with the exception of the Business and Election sessions.
**Watch our Facebook page for updates and more information about each convention session.**
Tuesday, June 9
- Business Session 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 10
- Stars Over Illinois 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 11
- AgriScience Fair Interviews 9:00 a.m.
- Elections 5:00 p.m.
- Installation Of New Officers
Sunday, June 21
Monday, July 13
- District 1 State & American Degree Ceremony
Tuesday, July 14
- District 2 State & American Degree Ceremony
Wednesday, July 15
- District 3 State & American Degree Ceremony
Thursday, July 16
- District 4 State & American Degree Ceremony
Friday, July 17
- District 5 State & American Degree Ceremony
Monday, July 20
- Convention Opener
- Various Awards
- Lane Harvey, State FFA Vice President, Retiring Address
- Emma Freebairn, State FFA Treasurer, Retiring Address
Tuesday, July 21
- National Chapter Award Winners
- Brodee McCormick, State FFA Reporter, Retiring Address
Wednesday, July 22
- Proficiency Award Winners
- Collin E. White, State FFA Secretary, Retiring Address
Thursday, July 23
- CDE/LDE Winners
- AgriScience Winners
- Gage Miller, State FFA President, Retiring Address
We are thrilled to announce we will also be hosting Virtual Convention Workshops the week of July 20 - 23, 2020.
Here are the links for all 4 virtual workshops:
Workshop from National Officer Tess Seibel: A Hero’s Call
Workshop from Blake Noland (Birddog Career): Real Talk: Resumes, Interviews, & Finding a Career Path
Workshop from Nebraska State Officers: Intentional Energetic Presence
Workshop from Nebraska State Officers: Self Discipline in Action
We are limiting each workshop to the first 50 people per workshop, so have your students sign up fast!
It is with a tremendous amount of discussion and deliberation that the Illinois FFA Board has made the following decisions for the 92nd Annual Illinois FFA Convention due to the health risks of COVID -19 and the impact the Stay at Home Order has on our ability to have a full staff to complete the task of coordinating all of the components of our State FFA Convention.
As we work on converting all of these aspects of the Illinois FFA Convention virtually, please be diligent in checking your listserv messages and emails.We will be sharing a great deal more information in the next few weeks.
Many may ask why we have spread it out over the course of multiple weeks this summer. Please know that the decision to keep the Business Session, Stars Over Illinois, and the Election of the 2020-2021 State Officer team in the traditional week of convention is something the board felt was imperative to the timeliness of getting officers elected and celebrating our Stars. Many teachers, students, officers, alumni, and friends indicated they would be tuned in that week, and the board felt we would have our greatest numbers then for celebrating our Stars and conducting elections. The remaining events of convention being pushed back into July allows our officers and staff the time to get these other areas converted to a virtual format.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.