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  Award Descriptions  
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1. A one-year award (IACCAI Lapel pin) will be presented to IACCAI members completing one year of service in a community college. It will be presented at the Fall Conference following completion of their first year.

2. A five-year award (Desk Pen Set) will be presented to each ICCAI member completing five years of service as an IACCAI member. It will be presented at the Fall Conference following completion of the fifth year of service.

3. A ten-year award (Cherry Plaque) will be presented to each IACCAI member completing 10 years of service as an IACCAI member. It will be presented at the Fall Conference following completion of the tenth year of service.

4. A twenty-year award (State of Illinois Plaque) will be presented to each IACCAI member completing 20 years of service as an IACCAI member. It will be presented at the Fall Conference following completion of the twentieth year of service.

5. A twenty-five year award (Desk Clock) will be presented to each IACCAI member completing 25 years of service as an IACCAI member. It will be presented at the Fall Conference following completion of the twenty-fifth year of service. Each recipient should be allowed five minutes to speak to the membership about experiences relating to his/her career that would be interesting, educational, or motivational to other members. A slide set or other visual aid could be used to supplement the speech. 43

6. A thirty-year award (Watch) will be presented to each IACCAI member completing 30 years as an IACCAI member. It will be presented at the Fall Conference following the thirtieth year of service.

7. An appreciation award (Acrylic Stand) will be presented to any person leaving the agriculture teaching profession who has been an active member of the IACCAI for a minimum of 15 years. An award (a Framed Certificate) may also be presented to anyone else deemed worthy by the board of directors. It shall be presented at the Fall Conference following their departure from teaching.

8. Honorary membership (plaque) may be given to any person who is recommended by a member of the IACCAI and who is approved by a unanimous vote of the IACCAI Board of Directors. Honorary membership will be presented at the Annual Meeting. These individuals shall not be charged a conference or a banquet fee for the conference in which the award is received. Honorary member nominations must be turned in with a background paper on the nominee to the IACCAI President prior to the start of the Board of Directors meeting when honorary members are selected. The Board of Directors shall be the only individuals present during the discussion and vote on the honorary member nominees. No individual can receive the Appreciation Award and Honorary Membership the same year.

9. The Outgoing President shall receive a President's plaque in appreciation for his year of service to the organization. It shall be presented at the Annual Meeting at the conclusion of the annual business meeting


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