Professional development opportunities are available to agriculture teachers at several conferences throughout the year. Through partnerships between FCAE-LPS, the Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers (IAVAT), and agricultural businesses, experts from all aspects of the agriculture industry provide educational workshops for teachers. Agriculture teachers remain up-to-date on the latest agricultural industry techniques as well as new curriculum resources that are available for classroom use. In-service activities are selected by the IAVAT Professional Development Committee with input provided from a survey completed by Illinois agriculture teachers.
Recordings & Resources from Past Workshops
Click on this link to find resources and recordings of past workshops. You can view by date or by topic!
***Earning Continuing Education Units***
If you have attended a professional learning event outside of IAVAT sponsored events and need documentation to claim the Continuing Professional Development Units, please provide the event name, date, certificate of completion and agenda to Casey Bolin at cbolin@ilaged.org. The IAVAT will then review the event to determine if credit can be issued. Per the IAVAT Board Meeting on November 17, 2020, all continuing education units for professional learning should be requested within four weeks of the original event.
Have an Idea or Workshop You Would Like to Present?
Throughout the year, great workshop topics are shared with our committee from teachers and industry professionals. We also know that we have many talented teachers out there who would make great presenters while sharing their skills and knowledge. Please complete the Google Form at this link to share your ideas!
Special Populations Asynchronus Course
The NIU Illinois CTE Project Team, in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), has designed an online asynchronous course for Career and Technical Education (CTE) educators. The introductory course presents educators with student-centered diversity, equity, and inclusion topics, providing the opportunity to learn about accessibility for all students, nontraditional career pathways, micro-messaging, bias and stereotypes, as well as the importance of inclusion for all students. The advanced course supports the Perkins V State Plan and the needs of special populations. Upon successfully completing the course, educators will earn professional development hours credit. Both courses start Sept. 30.
On-Going: Self-Paced Courses from the College of Vet Med
Illinois K-12 teachers can use the discount code “EDU24” to receive 50% off ($30 value) the cost of the online course “Understanding Infectious Disease in Herds”.
On-Going: LIncoln Electric LEEPStart Program
Learn how to complete the Train the Trainer Course and start providing welding certification to your students.