*Sent on behalf of Morgan Clinton, IAVAT Recruitment & Retention Committee
*For questions please contact Morgan Clinton at mclinton@sparta.k12.il.us*
IAVAT Mentor Program Open for Sign Up
This year the mentor program through IAVAT will be changing to better fit the needs of mentees and mentors. There will be a 2 tier set up for matching depending on experience level, as well as a resource teacher sign up. Want to know if you qualify? Check it out!
Mentee: Any teacher who has 5 years or less of Ag Education experience, Starting a new FFA program, is transitioning from industry to education, or is coming to IL from a different state.
Mentor: Any teacher who is willing to regularly communicate with their mentee while sharing tips, tricks, new ideas, lessons learned, and curriculum.
Resource Teacher: Any teacher who is willing to help, but doesn't necessarily have the time to commit to aiding a new teacher one on one. These teachers will be selected based on their knowledge of topics and will be placed on a collaborative list to be shared on the ILAGED website.
Interested in participating? Follow the appropriate links below!
Mentor/Resource Teacher Sign Up:
Mentee Teacher Sign Up:
Megan Coy
Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE)
Phone: 217-493-8791 Cell: 217-493-8791
Email: mcoy@ilaged.org
Address: 801 N. Country Fair Dr, Champaign, IL 61820