*Sent to all teachers on behalf of Brian Anderson, VIT High School Ag Instructor/FFA Advisor. Questions can be addressed to Brian at banderson@vit2.org or call 620-515-3348.
Saturday January 27th, 2024
You will find 3 attachments to this email. One is the School Registration Form (please fill
out by Wednesday, January 24th). There is also the spreadsheet with the times for each
of the following divisions. Please understand that this is a fluid worksheet that many ag
teachers have access to and each school can add students to the form. I am hoping
that this will simplify planning your day. Finally, I have added the scoresheet that VIT will
be using for the speech contest.
There will not be a podium in any of the classrooms for students to use. Each
classroom will be set up where a student can walk into an open area and be ready to
give their speech immediately. Each classroom will have 2-3 judges and a timer in the
classroom while they present their speech.
A concession stand and lunch will be available for purchase by VIT FFA Alumni on site.
NO Entry Fee!!!!
Individual awards will be given to the top 3 Individuals along with team awards for the
top 3 teams overall.
The only division that requires manuscript being sent is the senior prepared speech
division and those manuscripts must be received by Wednesday, January 24th for
judges to review.
* Junior High FFA Creed
- Open to any 6th, 7th or 8th grade student.
- No limit on number of students per school.
- No questions will be asked after the creed is presented.
*Junior High Speech
- No limit on number of students per school.
- Open to any 6th, 7th or 8th grade student.
- Speeches will be 2-4 minutes in length.
- No questions will be asked after the speech.
- Informative, ag related speeches only, no demonstrations.
* Spanish FFA Creed
- Open to students from 6th to 12th grade.
- No limit on entries.
- No questions after the Creed presentation.
* Freshman FFA Creed
- Open to Freshmen only.
- No limit on entries.
- No questions after the Creed presentation.
* Freshman Speech
-Freshmen only.
- No limit on entries.
- Speech must be 2-4 minutes in length.
- No questions after the speech.
- Informative, ag related speeches only, no demonstrations.
* Sophomore Speech
- Freshmen or Sophomores may compete in this division.
- No limit on number of entries.
- Speech must be 3-5 minutes in length.
- No questions after the speech.
- Informative, ag related speeches only, no demonstrations.
* Junior Speech
- Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior students are eligible.
- No limit on number of entries.
- Speech must be 4-6 minutes long.
- No questions after the speech.
- Informative, ag related speeches only, no demonstrations.
* Senior Prepared
- Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors are eligible.
- No limit on number of entries.
- Speech must be Problem-Solution style.
- One copy of the manuscript is required for this division only and must
be received by Wednesday, January 24th. Email to
- Speech must be 6-8 Minutes long.
- 5 minutes of questions will be asked after the speech.
* Extemporaneous -
- Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior students are eligible.
- Students should report to the library proctor and draw a topic 30 minutes
prior to speech time.
- Speech must be a minimum of 4-6 minutes in length.
- Questions will be asked after the speech.
- Reference materials may be brought and used by the student but they
must be able to carry by themselves.
- No handwritten materials are allowed.
- A chromebook will be provided for each student, but no personal files or
saved documents will be allowed for use.
- Scratch Paper, Index cards and writing utensils will be provided.
- Sample topics are, but not limited to: Vertical Farming, Farmer Suicide,
Autonomous Farming, Urban Sprawl, World Hunger, Feral Hog
Epidemic, Improving Beef Advocacy, Social Media and Ag Awareness
and African Swine Fever.
* Shining Star -
Any student with a 504 or IEP may read or memorize one paragraph or
All of the FFA Creed or give an agriculture related speech pertaining to
a personal experience or classroom experience in agriculture. Students
may utilize the support of aids or paraprofessionals as needed during
-- Allie Bode Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE) Phone: 309--97-3-63 Cell: 309-973-6335 Email: abode@ilaged.org Address: 120 S McLean Street, Lincoln, IL 62656