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  SIUC: FFA Night at the Saluki Basketball Game - Save the Date  
  SIUC Agricultural Sciences  1/11/2024 11:50:00 AM  

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - FFA Ag Night at the Game

Mark your calendars for the FFA Ag Night at the Saluki Basketball Game. Tickets and pre-game events will be free to FFA members and advisors. Event begins at 5:00 pm, with the game beginning at 7:00 pm. Registration information will be released soon.

Come out and cheer on the Saluki basketball team against Murray State!

Tickets are free to Illinois FFA members and advisors!

Below is a tentative itinerary.

4:30 p.m. Registration – Student Center

5:15 p.m. Welcome and program – Student Center

6 p.m.  Walk to the Banterra Center for group photo with Coach Mullins

6:30 p.m. – Meal vouchers provided for concessions and pre-game activities

7 p.m.  – Game vs. Murray State 

SIUC Agricultural Sciences
Southern Illinois University
Phone: 618-453-2469 Cell: --
Address: 1205 Lincoln Drive, Mail Code 4416, Carbondale, IL 62901
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