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  SIUC: FFA/AG Night at the Saluki Basketball Game  
  SIUC Agricultural Sciences  1/17/2024 8:32:00 AM  

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - FFA Ag Night at the Game

FFA Ag Night at the Saluki Basketball Game. Tickets and pre-game events will be free to FFA members and advisors. Event begins at 5:00 pm, with the game beginning at 7:00 pm. Registration Deadline is February 14, 2024.

Come out and cheer on the Saluki basketball team against Murray State!

Tickets are free to Illinois FFA members and advisors!

4:30 p.m. Registration – Student Center

5:15 p.m. Welcome and program – Student Center

6 p.m.  Walk to the Banterra Center for group photo with Coach Mullins

6:30 p.m. – Meal vouchers provided for concessions and pre-game activities

7 p.m.  – Game vs. Murray State 


Teacher registration:

** We ask that teachers fill out the link below to identify how many of their students plan on attending.

If you wish to bring more students than the form allows, you may complete multiple registration forms to equal the total number of students you plan on bringing!

Please be mindful when registering students for this event and be aware that each ticket and meal voucher is approximately a $17 value. Please do not register more than you plan on bringing and let us know if there are any updates to your registration as soon as possible.

**T-shirts provided while supplies last.

SIUC Agricultural Sciences
Southern Illinois University
Phone: 618-453-2469 Cell: --
Address: 1205 Lincoln Drive, Mail Code 4416, Carbondale, IL 62901
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