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  2 New College Hort Teaching Vacancies- COD  
  Lucas Allen  1/17/2024 8:39:00 AM  

Brian Clement, Chair of the Horticulture Department at College of DuPage, is excited to announce that they have TWO full-time teaching vacancies at COD for the coming year. One is tenure-track and the other is not. 

With growing Horticulture enrollments and fantastic industry and administrative support, the program has grown to over 35 adjunct faculty in addition to two full-time faculty members. These are new positions.

View both position announcements here. The deadlines are February 4 (tenure-track) and Feb. 18 (non-tenure track) so don't wait to apply!
Lucas Allen
Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE)
Phone: 815-530-2065 Cell: 815-530-2065
Address: 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton, IL 60187
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