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  SIUC Agricultural Sciences  1/23/2024 8:54:00 AM  

SIU Upcoming Events and Contests – Information and Registration Links

FFA/AG Night at the Saluki Basketball Game

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Tickets and pre-game events will be free to FFA members and advisors.

Registration Deadline is February 14, 2024.

Registration link:

If you wish to bring more students than the form allows, you may complete multiple registration forms to equal the number of students you plan on bringing!

To prevent tickets from going unused, please be mindful when registering students for this event and be aware that each ticket and meal voucher is approximately $17 in value. Please do not register more than you plan on bringing, and let us know as soon as possible if there are any updates to your registration.

Event Info:

Come out and cheer on the Saluki basketball team against Murray State!

4:30 p.m. Registration – Student Center

5:15 p.m. Welcome and program – Student Center

6 p.m.  Walk to the Banterra Center for group photo with Coach Mullins

6:30 p.m. – Meal vouchers provided for concessions and pre-game activities

7 p.m.  – Game vs. Murray State 

**T-shirts are provided while supplies last.


D5 Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE:

Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 3:30 pm

Location:  SIU Agriculture Building (1205 Lincoln Drive)

Official Dress is Required.

Jennifer Ehrhart, District V FFA Director, will be making the schedule for this contest.  Please contact Jennifer ( with your section contest results!


D5 Parliamentary Procedures CDE:

Date: Thursday March 21, 2024 at 3:30 pm

Location:  SIU Agriculture Building (1205 Lincoln Drive)

Official Dress is Required.

Jennifer Ehrhart, District V FFA Director, will be making the schedule for this contest.  Please contact Jennifer ( with your section contest results!



Date: Friday, April 12, 2024 

Registration link:

Early-bird Registration Deadline: Friday, March 22, 2024

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 5, 2024

Location: Metabolism and Physiology Center (2422 Union Hill Road; Carbondale, IL 62901)

Cost: $5/student

Registration: 8:30 - 9 am

Contest Start: 9am

Teams will consist of 5 members, with the top 3 scores counting toward the team score.


Each school is limited to one varsity team and one junior varsity team. You may bring as many practice teams/individuals as you like, and they will be scored as individuals. 

 This year, the contest will be capped at 350.

This year, the livestock contest will consist of 10 judging classes:

  1. Breeding Gilts
  2. Market Hogs
  3. Breeding Heifers
  4. Market Cows
  5. Breeding Does
  6. Market Goats
  7. Breeding Ewes
  8. Market Lambs
  9. Keep/Cull Swine
  10. Keep/Cull Beef Cattle


There will be no reasons classes.



Date: Friday, April 12, 2024 

Registration link:

Early-bird Registration Deadline: Friday, March 22, 2024

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 5, 2024

Location: Agriculture Building (1205 Lincoln Drive; Carbondale, IL 62901)


Registration: 8-9 am

Contest Start: 9 am

Teams will consist of 5 members, with the top 4 scores counting toward the team score.

Each school is limited to one varsity team and one junior varsity team. You may bring as many practice individuals as you like, and they will be scored as individuals. 


The contest will consist of the following:

  1. Written Exam (50 Questions)
  2. Plant ID (50 species)
  3. 4 Judging Classes
  4. Floriculture Practicum – Make and Package a Corsage
  5. Landscape Practicum – Pruning Nursery Stock


The contest will be following the state rules, which can be found at 


D5 Public Speaking & Invitational CDE:

Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024

Registration Deadline:  April 12, 2024

Cost:  $5/Student for Invitational Only.  No cost to District V Varsity Prepared, Varsity Extemp, or Creed Speaking.

Location:  SIU Agriculture Building (1205 Lincoln Drive)

Official Dress is Required

Individuals will be scheduled for speech presentations between 2-8 PM.  Please indicate on the registration forms linked below your preference of time.

Click here to register students for the District V Prepared Public Speaking CDE(Varsity).

Click here to register for the District V Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE(Varsity).

Click here to register students for the District V Creed Speaking CDE.  

Click here to register students for the SIU Invitational Prepared Public Speaking CDE(JV).

Click here to register students for the SIU Invitational Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE(JV).


Prepared Public Speaking manuscripts should be emailed to no later than April 12, 2024.  Manuscripts sent by postal service should be postmarked by Thursday April 11, 2024.

Rachel Wright


1205 Lincoln Drive

Mail Code  4415

Carbondale, IL   62901


District Creed, Prepared, and Extemporaneous Public Speaking are limited to the top 2 participants from each section event.  You must still register your students for the event using the forms below.

SIU Invitational Prepared and Extemporaneous Public Speaking are limited to only freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.  Two students from each school may be signed up for this contest.  (up to the first 15 students registered).  Please register your students for these contests using the forms linked below.

Each contest will follow state rules.  If you have any questions, contact Jennifer Ehrhart, District V FFA Director, with comments regarding the district contests.  Contact Rachel Wright, SIU CFFA Advisor, with questions regarding invitational contests.


District V Ag Issues CDE:

Date:  Thursday, April 18, 2024, 3 PM - by appointment

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 12, 2024

Cost: $ 15 per  team

Location: SIU Ag Building (1205 Lincoln Drive)

Click here to register a team for the District V Ag Issues CDE.

All portfolios must be postmarked or emailed to no later than Friday, April 12, 2024. Materials sent after this deadline will receive point deductions during the contest.

Mailed materials should be sent to:

Rachel Wright


SIU College of Agricultural Sciences

Mail Code 4415

1205 Lincoln Drive

Carbondale, IL 62901


Teams must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 members. Please see the rules for the state contest for further details.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Registration reminders for all events will be sent out via the listserv closer to event dates!


We are ecstatic to host you all this semester!

SIUC Agricultural Sciences
Southern Illinois University
Phone: 618-453-2469 Cell: --
Address: 1205 Lincoln Drive, Mail Code 4416, Carbondale, IL 62901
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