
The Waterloo FFA will be hosting a livestock judging competition on March 9th at Monroe County Fairgrounds in Waterloo, IL. The livestock judging clinic is set to start at 8:00am for our junior members. as well as the reasons clinic for the high school members. Junior members are defined as anyone 8th grade or younger, and senior is high school. Registration/check-in will begin at 9:00am with the contest beginning at 10:00am. At the conclusion of the contest, we will break briefly for lunch and give officials and placings at 1:30pm. You may register as many teams as you like, but please give them separate names (i.e. Waterloo 1, Waterloo 2). Please use this form to register your team before March 4. Teams will be 5 members with the top 3 scores counting. The cost is $5/participant and you may pay cash or bring a check made to Waterloo FFA. If you have any questions, please email chenry@wcusd5.net.
-- Casey Bolin Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE) Phone: 618-780-0230 Cell: 618-780-0230 Email: cbolin@ilaged.org Address: 301 South Oak Street, P.O. Box 160, Patoka, IL 62875