Attached is the January 30, 2024 IAITC FarmWeek Non-Fiction Bellringer related to an IL Pecan Farm. You can find the direct link to the article at https://iaitc.co/pecangrowers
Illinois AITC also has a 1 page ‘Farm Bite’ on Pecans that can be found at https://iaitc.co/pecanfarmbite
On the same page of FarmWeek, you will see that the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture named “My Grandpa, My Tree and Me” the Book of the Year. It features the story of a pecan farm. Want to win a copy? I have 2 autographed copies that will award at random to those who complete this quick survey.
https://iaitc.co/FWBellringerSurvey. Prizes will be awarded on 2-7-2024.
Kevin Daugherty
Illinois Farm Bureau/Illinois Ag in the Classroom
Phone: -- Cell: --
Email: kdaugherty@ilfb.org
Address: , , IL