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  Outdated Chapter Transmittal? We are Here to Help.  
  Riley Wells  2/8/2024 9:39:00 AM  

Is your chapter’s transmittal outdated? Does it have inaccurate addresses listed for donors? Is a donor’s name misspelled? Does it list businesses that have closed, individuals that have passed away, or supporters that have not given in over a decade even though the chapter solicits them every year?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Foundation Staff would love to work with you to update your chapter's transmittal. All you have to do is send a list of changes to Please format the changes as follows:

  • Donor Number 12345 Riley Duckworth
    • Please update the donor’s name to “Jeremiah & Riley Wells”
  • Donor Number 6789 XYZ Boutique
    • Please make the donor inactive. Business closed in 2019.
  • Donor Number 101112 Illinois FFA Center
    • Please update the address to “3221 Northfield Dr. Springfield, IL 62702”

Please note that you must include the donor number to ensure that Foundation Staff are updating the correct donor profile, as there might be multiple donor profiles with the same name.

If you have any questions, or need a blank copy of your chapter’s transmittal to get started, please contact

Riley Wells
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 618-499-1751
Address: 3221 Northfield Drive, Springfield, IL 62702
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