We still have some spots available. As you prepare for State Convention, please share this opportunity with your students. June 15 is the deadline.
Sent to all teachers
The ALEC program is hosting our Agricultural Education Camp from July 15-17 for rising juniors and seniors who want to pursue agricultural education as a career. During this time, students will tour campus and area agricultural facilities where they will learn content and then develop a lesson (creating a lesson plan, materials, etc) which they will teach to their peers and invited guests.
Space is limited to the first 13 participants based on the order in which they registered using this application. (https://forms.gle/JEcAFykTVDdGMMto9) Only one individual from a school will be allowed to attend unless slots are available. If a school has multiple students interested, it is asked that they be prioritized. Cost is $25 and can be paid prior to the camp.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at garyochs@illinois.edu.
Gary Ochs
University of Illinois
Phone: 217-244-5164 Cell: 217-251-4022
Email: garyochs@illinois.edu
Address: 174B Bevier Hall, 905 S. Goodwin Ave., 905 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801