Multiple Sites/2 Different Dates - Overnight Conference - Conference will be during the day - (Schools are allowed to drive back and forth.) The IL FFA will not be booking any hotel rooms or paying for them.
Register at - Conference is for 8th - 10th Grades. Please see this document for all registration information, start/end times, meals being served, addresses to the event, hotel room blocks (responsibility of the teacher to book & pay for your hotel rooms), etc. Any updates will be in that document.
Official Dress for the Students & Business Casual for the Advisors.
Sites/Dates/Registration Costs (Updated 12/12/22):
SIU, Carbondale - January 27-28, 2023 - 400 Students to start with - Students - $110; Professional Development FFA Advisors & Chaperones - $50 p/p
I-Hotel Conference Center, Champaign - February 3-4, 2023 - 400 Students to start with - Students $135, Professional Development FFA Advisors & Chaperones - TBA
WIU, Macomb - February 3-4, 2023 - 250 Students to start with - Students $110, Professional Development FFA Advisors & Chaperones - $50 p/p
Chaperones/Helpers for Disability Students: Please register your chaperone(s) and any helpers for students that require help with their health.
Alumni Scholarship Winners: Please do not put your alumni scholarship winner in your total count of students, please complete the line by site so that you are not charged for the scholarship winner.
Registration Closes: Wednesday, January 13, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Participation Form: Please have your student(s) and parent(s) sign the participation form and you can upload it to the Ground Zero Conference Registration under Upload or bring the signed forms to the conference. PLEASE NOTE THE PARTICIPATION FORMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE UPLOADED OR BROUGHT TO THE CONFERENCE (strictly enforced). We do not need the AET signed forms brought to the conference, the IL FFA Center can view these in AET.
Upload Instructions:
Event Registration
2023 Ground Zero Conference (if the registration is closed, the registration is located under Past Events)
Arrow down to the bottom and upload under Documents.
Choose File/Upload
Patti Davis will approve or reject the waivers. If rejected, you will receive an email.
Please note that if we do not have the waivers on the day of the event then the students cannot participate in the conference (this will be strictly enforced at each site).
Sending Students with Other Schools: Please email with the school/teacher that is liable for your students.
Hopper Funds: Please email Tammy Yard at if you'd like to check/use Hopper Funds to help pay for this registration.
Food Allergies/Vegetarian Options: Please complete the google form for any food allergies/vegetarian meals for anyone attending the event. After completing this google form and the advisor/student is no longer attending, please email Patti Davis at so that we can cancel this special request. Colored cards will be given out at registration to be given to the server for your special meal.
Trading Post: Please utilize after the registration closes to buy/sell registrations. Please note the school buying your registrations must pay you directly and you still pay the IL FFA Center for the registrations that you registered for initially.
Event/Registration/Waivers’ Questions: Please contact Patti Davis,, or call (217) 753-3328 Ext. 107.
Payment Questions: Please contact Jannette Allotey,