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  Klein Leaving ISBE on Nov. 30  
  AFNR Grant Information  11/21/2023 3:30:00 PM  

*Sent by Andrew Klein, Principal Consultant at ISBE to AFNR Grant Admin, ICAE, ILCAE, Teachers, Principals, Superintendents, Community Colleges, and Universities


I hope your Thanksgiving holiday is well spent with family and friends. I am writing to inform you that I have accepted a full-time position with the Illinois Army National Guard and will be on extended military leave for the foreseeable future. I believe this to be my best way to serve others and advance myself. My last day at ISBE will be Thursday, November 30. The position of Principal Consultant for Agricultural Education is open to apply. Full job description and application portal are available here

In the spirit of the holiday, I am truly thankful to have served you in this role and would like to reflect briefly. You’ve accomplished so much as an organization since I started at ISBE. 

- 123 more teachers, 41 more programs, and nearly 7,000 more students
- Funding increased to $7.05 million (which is anticipated to increase again)
- Average starting salary for Illinois agriculture teachers has increased more than $10,000
- ISBE now administers more ag grants than ever before (657 total applications)
- FFA membership free to all students enrolled in agriculture courses (Thank you, IDOA)

These accomplishments are not possible without passionate teachers, dedicated staff, and a common sense of purpose. “United as One” is perhaps the most fitting Illinois FFA theme to date. That is how I feel about the Ag Ed family. Many of you are my mentors, and many of you I have known since I was just 14 years old. It has truly been an honor to work at ISBE on your behalf and serve you as the State FFA Advisor. 

I’d ask that you be patient with ISBE and related services as they search for my replacement. In the interim, please first contact your assigned Program Advisor if you have ISBE-related questions. You may also email CTE at ISBE ( or Ag Ed at ISBE ( with any questions regarding ISBE agricultural education programs. Be well. 

Andrew T. Klein

AFNR Grant Information
Illinois State Board of Education
Phone: 217-782-4321 Cell: 217-782-4321
Address: 100 N. First Street, C-215, Springfield, IL 62777
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